this intro you all should bout know whats happening bah? say leh..jiu make it a grandmother story ba..jiu start it from the day she say be the question.before we went to uni or be exact we got the offer letter,she can say that everyday will ask the same question over and over again.eventhough it's kinda distrubing but i truthly can know that she's really worry about the time i really can answer it with 80% confident to her that dont worry about that it just 4years.we can get through it just a glimp of eye only.just don't worry.
everyone should be wondering why it just 80% only and is not should be 100%??it's weird right?without offence that 20%..10% is me reallyno confident that i wont change and the other 10% is that there's still something i'm trying to find that it haven been fulfill yet.tell you all frankly..i also dunno what is that?it had been empty for more that half a decade ba.是不是很烂leh me???me reli think i am..everyday dunno what i want?and get something great le still feel like something lack of.should me this guys always been treat that good from the god??
back to the story.finally 2 of us enrolled into our university the very first few days really miss lo.and the whole orientation make me damn tired and less and less time to chat with her.from people view over here i should be enjoying it the whole event ba.knowing everyone from guys to girls from chinese to malay to indian and even bumi talking to guys a lot and girls too.we even mix around very close especially my coursemate.some of my 10js sister and 'girlfriends' will give a very weird look at me when i'm mixing around that is because my nature born skill.can mix with girls naturely and close.i know is bad of doing this especially i'm in a relationship now.i admit that i really get very close with them like sisters.what's wrong leh??between my coursemate i just have 4 chinese guys to talk to only.(peng han the single that can fulltime talk to u,hock song is sometimes but he is totally stressout now that wont crap with you much de,mr energizer that is ok bit than hock song but will sometimes emo half way of chat & mr gan that always stick to the phone only de)so if they left me alone the chinese that i can appoarch is just girls.but maybe i'm too close to them that make some others uncomfortable.sorry about that.thats the real me.and i admit that since then i mix a lot with them in class lunch freetime between classes dinner and even after dinner de free doing that i just want some1 to talk to only what..whats wrong man??i'm a guy who cant live without talking and also listening.eventhough i looks like love to talk a lot,but actually i'm not a1 that just love to do the talking..i much more prefer as a good listener.just tell anything i also cant listen to it and maybe even give opinion to it.(but sadly with her i usually be the lecturer but not my prefer position as a listener)is really tired for just being the 1 who talk.i also need to rest and listen to others people story and learn from them.why i must always be the lecturer?so sometimes i really rather just stay silent in a group and just be a listener but they will think i'm weird on that time.
i admit that recently i got kinda close with a few girls(coursemate).we talk a lot together lepak together and sure in the same class(some of it la).the kind of feel while talking with them are kinda nice because we could exchange words and characters.maybe is we are still new to each other so would have a lot of topics to talk to.em..actually that what i like it while respond from others that rather than em o and not me that do most of the that sec of point someone matched up me with someone i dunno why.maybe we are the closest and talks a lot.em...i hope it wont be true that my heart will change.i keep on remind myself it's just a fake sign.i reli dont wish that will happen.
frankly speaking i'm not the guy that cant settle easily especially at such a young age with lots of adventure ahead.and i really dont think that i can settle down at such a young age that full of passions and dreams.just like what my mum always say about me.she say i'm just like a bird with a strong wings but without a strong leg.i born with with big dreams & passion.i will keep on chasing my dreams till i got it but the satisfaction wont be long.after awhile of enjoying it i will change my course to the other greater dreams and so on.until i'm totally wear out tired off totally i only will back to the nest and settle down and stay in.but it wont be long.after a short while i would start back my great journey to fulfill my passion and look the perfect dreamland that i dream off and eager to find first when i got together with my dear i really though i had found that place but it still seems like lack of something.i try to fill it up and my dear had done a great job of keeping me this bird stay in his cage for so long and let him settle down.i really though i had found it.but dunno why i still feel lack of something and now we are way apart.and i seems like had gone back the search and seems like starting back my great journey again to fulfill my passion and dreams.
is it really happening to me?i really dont wish it is happening.i dont wish i would regard after i make the baddest it my heart are really moving now??is it truth what my mum say bout me?will it really end here?i really dont had any confident man..what should i do now?aaarrrhhhhh!!!!damn it i hate myself
Posted by daniel
for the whole week gladly that at least i got to know all of my lecturer who are teaching me for my very first sem.all seems to look nice to me eventhough some senior say some of them are killer.all of the lecterur,mr alias are the one who i receive most comment from seniors.he been describe as the most lazy lecturer of all time in all of the law lecturers.and a senoir say that she like him more when he is superb lazy.but he had given me my first 2 assignment in my uni life.he doesn't say much about the assignment,he just post all on the web(learning care) and as to refer it only.that's it taht simple.lazy right?
oh.oh..for this week,i also get to know a lot of seniors especially from the same errr....o..the only 1 that i remember ping jie..hehex..she doesn't like to been call that de. but we like it.hihix..and other seniors de name jiusorry the memory too small le cant remember all of you all the name.sorryyyy.....
i think should be that's all is just using this post to warm up only de..wait wait the next one la..
Posted by daniel
6:42 AM
back to main point la..the first week sure is orientation lo.haiz.worst than form6 man.a day at least got 2 section of briefing/talks us it just more like a time to nap la.most of ppl oso sleep through out the section la.who cares about what they say arh!!the whole week the section also end at between 12.30 to 2.00a.m man..crazy la them..and stil 4.30 morning call us.they malay want solat jiu let them go la why must they arrange a section for us non-muslim wor.but luckily those non-muslim facilator will let us nap awhile at the front section then only start the section.thanks them a lot leh if not all of us sure fall asick half way through.and and the food they prepare for the man day by day.even got a meal that we just had vege only leh.just a dishes la those organiser.still say they got lots of experience pula.this really 1 of the suckes orientation i had ever been ahhh.....
but lucky we had a few non-muslim faci that treat us very well.especially a guy that we like call him siang siang (tian siang).hehex.that he hate it a lot when we call him that.he is very nice guy man.he will look after all our affairs.but sadly food that side he cant do much about that.sad case.
but anyhow he had taught us a lt of stuff from academic to ko-k (koko that we usually use in school).and had help us to locate our course senior for us.with his effort we had meet up with a few top senior that are kinda cool and leng zai.hehex.and another what he had done is close up our gape between our batch(1st sem student).all thanks to his effort all of us chinese law student are friends now.we are no more like strangers who just say hello to each other glad to be that way i feel coz it fill up the emptyness that our old friends usually occupied it for quiet some time.
i think thats all i would like to say about my orientation because i wouldn't refresh this memory in the future even just a minute after i post up this.
Posted by daniel
thaks to god love and also playing a fool with me also.he had granted me an pffer that i cant rejected (law course in uum),thats the 1 that i wanted desperately.but sadly my dear got a place at ums..UMS in sabah..thats like 1 in the north and the other at the south.damn @#$% apart man. this a challenge or what that god given to me.he should know i'm that kind of guy aahhhh..why he wanna do this to me..haiz...
em..eventhough with lot of bu ser de..i stil needa take the hardest desicion at this part of my life.(just take the offer and be apart from her for 4years)i didn't tell anyone how stress am i to make this desicion even her lo.because she feel that to and keep on told me bout that.what can i do ah that time.just hide up my feeling hard and try to cheer her really take quiet some time to calm her feelings down and support to take up the offer from ums.i know she still not very convince with my words,but what can we the goverment that give out the offer.
after receive the offer,we just had a week to prepare i try to go out with her as much as i could eventhough we need to shop to what we for that week,we had went out for almost everyday.we bit crazy de.we went to sunway pyramid for 3times in that single week.hehex..and out of that 3,1 of it is with my parents.hihix.then hthe rest of the day we also go shopping.and times fly superb fast.that week just past in a flash.
then is the day we seperate,28 of june 2009.i hope she can be tough and take up the challenge like a big girl.i will support you all the way til your graduation day.and i will to attend your convoycation de.
Posted by daniel